Encoding a set of Graphs using Neural Message Passing

You will need gpu and cuda with pytorch. Data used in the code

Find the correspoding python notebook here

Model parameters and input configurations

We will read 2 graphs, store them in netwrokx objects.
Then we will encode each graph to a vector.

import networkx as nx
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable

def check_if_gpu_is_available():

os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(CUDA)


Read the graphs.

#Create and empty graph and populate it by reading the input files.
G = nx.Graph() #create an empty graph.
filepath = './data_graph_encoding/'

#list of edges.
data_edge_list = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(filepath,'edges.txt'), delimiter=',').astype(int) 

#features for each node
data_node_features = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(filepath,'node_features.txt'), delimiter=',')

#labels for each node
data_node_labels = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(filepath,'node_labels.txt'), delimiter=',').astype(int)

#features for each edge
data_edge_features = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(filepath,'edge_features.txt'), delimiter=',')

#1 line = a label for each graph. 
data_graph_labels = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(filepath,'graph_labels.txt'), delimiter=',').astype(int)

#which nodes belong to which graph.
data_graph_indicator = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(filepath,'graph_indicators.txt'), delimiter=',').astype(int)

data_tuple = list(map(tuple, data_edge_list)) #convert to (node1,node2) tuples.
# and add edges to the graph

NODE_FDIM = data_node_features.shape[1]
# update the nodes by adding node attributes
for i in range(data_node_labels.shape[0]):
    G.add_node(i, feature = data_node_features[i])
    G.add_node(i, label = data_node_labels[i])

EDGE_FDIM = data_edge_features.shape[1]
# update the edges by adding edge attributes
for i in range(data_edge_features.shape[0]):
    u,v = data_tuple[i]
    G.add_edge(u,v, feature = data_edge_features[i])

# split into each graphs
graph_num = data_graph_indicator.max()+1
node_list = np.arange(data_graph_indicator.shape[0])

all_graphs = []
for i in range(graph_num):
    # find the nodes for each graph
    nodes = node_list[data_graph_indicator==i]
    #print('nodes = ',nodes)
    G_sub = G.subgraph(nodes)
    G_sub.graph['label'] = data_graph_labels[i]

#print each graph
print('Printing the graphs read ------------------>')
for i,gr in enumerate(all_graphs):
    print('graph ',i,', no of nodes:',gr.number_of_nodes())
    for n, nbrdict in gr.adjacency():
    print('adjacency_matrix = \n',nx.to_numpy_matrix(gr)) #adjacency matrix
    node_features = nx.get_node_attributes(gr, 'feature')
    node_labels = nx.get_node_attributes(gr, 'label')

    for nd in gr.nodes():

    edge_features = nx.get_edge_attributes(gr,'feature') 
    for k,ee in enumerate(gr.edges()):

Create a torch Dataset object using the graphs read.

from torch.utils.data import Dataset
#Create a torch DataLoader object using the graph data read above.
class GraphSet(Dataset):
    def __init__(self,all_graphs):
        self.all_graphs = all_graphs

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.all_graphs)
    def __getitem__(self,idx):
        return self.all_graphs[idx]

Define the helper functions for neural message passing for encoding each batch of graphs.

def index_select_ND(message, dim, index_matrix):
    # say message is of shape [a,c] 89,5
    # say index_matrix is of shape [a,b] 89,6
    # to select the entries from message indexed by index_matrix entries.
    index_size = index_matrix.size()  # say index_size = [a,b]  
    suffix_dim = message.size()[1:]   # suffix_dim = [c]
    final_size = index_size + suffix_dim # final_size = [a,b,c] = 89 6 5
    index_matrix_flat = index_matrix.view(-1) # flatten the index to 1-dim tensor of shape = [ab]. 89*6
    # use index_matrix_flat to index into message, i.e., select ab entries from [a,c]
    # this is possible as the indices are repeated.
    selected = message.index_select(dim, index_matrix_flat) # selected has shape [ab,c]  
    selected_reshaped = selected.view(final_size) #reshape tensor to [a,b,c]
    return selected_reshaped

def process_all_graphs(all_graphs, node_fdim, edge_fdim):
    padding = torch.zeros(node_fdim + edge_fdim)
    fnodes = []
    fedges = [padding] #Ensure edges are 1-indexed, i.e entry 0 is dummy [000...0]

    edge_indices = []
    all_edges = [(-1,-1)] #Ensure edges are 1-indexed, entry 0 is dummay [(-1,-1)]
    scope = [] # start and no. of nodes of each graph in all_graphs
    total_nodes = 0
    MAX_NBR = 0

    for i,gr in enumerate(all_graphs):

        #get the node and edge features for this graph.
        node_features = nx.get_node_attributes(gr, 'feature')
        edge_features = nx.get_edge_attributes(gr,'feature') 
        num_nodes = gr.number_of_nodes()
        #print('graph',i,' has #nodes = ',num_nodes)
        for a_node in gr.nodes():
            num_nbr = len(gr[a_node])
            MAX_NBR = num_nbr if num_nbr>MAX_NBR else MAX_NBR        
            nf = torch.Tensor(node_features[a_node]) 
            fnodes.append(nf) #one-hot encoded node features.

        for ne, an_edge in enumerate(gr.edges):
            x,y = an_edge
            #print('EDGE : ',x,y)
            bf = torch.Tensor(edge_features[an_edge])

            b = len(all_edges)
            fedges.append( torch.cat([fnodes[x], bf], 0) )

            b = len(all_edges)
            fedges.append( torch.cat([fnodes[y], bf], 0) )
        total_nodes += num_nodes

    total_edges = len(all_edges)
    fnodes = torch.stack(fnodes, 0)
    fedges = torch.stack(fedges, 0)
    nodes_graph = torch.zeros(total_nodes,MAX_NBR).long()
    edges_graph = torch.zeros(total_edges,MAX_NBR).long()

    # nodes_graph[y,:] : for each node y : indices of all edges (z,y) in all_edges
    for a in range(total_nodes):
        for i,b in enumerate(edge_indices[a]):
            nodes_graph[a,i] = b

    # say all_edges[i] holds edge (x,y)
    # then edge_indices[i] holds indices for edges (_,x)
    # then, edges_graph[i] : indices of all edges (_,x) excluding (y,x) 
    for b1 in range(1, total_edges):
        x,y = all_edges[b1]
        for i,b2 in enumerate(edge_indices[x]):
            if all_edges[b2][0] != y:
                edges_graph[b1,i] = b2

    return fnodes,fedges,nodes_graph,edges_graph,scope

Define the Graph Encoder class

class Graph_Encoder(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, hidden_size, depth):
        super(Graph_Encoder, self).__init__()
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.depth = depth
        #Trainable parameters for the encoding network.
        self.W_i = nn.Linear(NODE_FDIM + EDGE_FDIM, hidden_size, bias=False)
        self.W_h = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size, bias=False)
        self.W_o = nn.Linear(NODE_FDIM + hidden_size, hidden_size)

    def forward(self, GRAPHS):
        fnodes,fedges,nodes_graph,edges_graph,scope = GRAPHS
        fnodes = Variable(fnodes,requires_grad=False).cuda()
        fedges = Variable(fedges,requires_grad=False).cuda()
        nodes_graph = Variable(nodes_graph,requires_grad=False).cuda()
        edges_graph = Variable(edges_graph,requires_grad=False).cuda()

        binput = self.W_i(fedges) # no_edges x hidden_size
        message = nn.ReLU()(binput) # no_edges x hidden_size

        #Starting to loop, is this the loopy belief propagation ?
        for i in range(self.depth - 1):
            #get the message vectors for each edge in a no_edges x MAX_NBR x hidden_size tensor.
            nei_message = index_select_ND(message, 0, edges_graph)
            nei_message = nei_message.sum(dim=1)
            nei_message = self.W_h(nei_message)
            message = nn.ReLU()(binput + nei_message)

        nei_message = index_select_ND(message, 0, nodes_graph)
        nei_message = nei_message.sum(dim=1)
        ainput = torch.cat([fnodes, nei_message], dim=1)
        #hidden states for each node, size = no_of_nodes x hidden_size
        nodes_hidden_states = nn.ReLU()(self.W_o(ainput))

        graph_vecs = []
        #scope = (start,len)
        for start,length in scope:
            #select the hidden states of all nodes for each graph and get mean hidden state
            node_mean_vec = nodes_hidden_states.narrow(0, start, length).sum(dim=0) / length

        graph_vecs = torch.stack(graph_vecs, dim=0)
        return graph_vecs

Create Graph Encoder model and encode a simple batch of graphs.

hidden_size = 64
depth = 8
model_graph_encoder = Graph_Encoder(hidden_size, depth).cuda() #the Graph_Encoder model
graph_dataset =  GraphSet(all_graphs) #dataset

#prepare a dummy batch to see how a single batch of graph encodings is generated.
batch = []
batch.append(graph_dataset[1]) # batch_size = 2

#convert the batch of graphs to [fnodes,fedges,nodes_graph,edges_graph,scope] for passing thru Graph_Encoder.
GRAPHS = process_all_graphs(batch, NODE_FDIM,EDGE_FDIM)
graph_vec = model_graph_encoder(GRAPHS)
print('Got encoded graph_vec = \n',graph_vec.data.shape,'\n',graph_vec.data)

Add loss, optimizers and code to train the above model


Written on January 10, 2019